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  3. 2023

Adasme, S., Arriagada., G., Davidoff, A., Lopez., C., Pertuze, J. APEC Digital Economic Steering Group (DESG), Comparative study on best practices to detect and avoid harmful biases in Artificial Intelligence systems. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). Forthcoming. 

Arriagada, G., Dunstan., J., Lopez, C., Mendoza, M. Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and IT. CRC, Taylor and Francis. Forthcoming.

López, C., Arriagada, G., Davidoff, A. “¿Cómo navegar el camino hacia la ética en IA? Número 25, Bits de ciencia, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación, Universidad de Chile, pp. 36-43.

Arriagada, G. “(Re)significando la vida humana en un mundo artificialmente inteligente”. La Revista Católica, Número 1218, pp. 35-40.

Adasme, S., Arriagada., G., Davidoff, A., Lopez., C, Pertuze, J. Approved draft, January 2023. “Comparative study on best practices to detect and avoid harmful biases in Artificial Intelligence systems” The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Secretariat (APEC) and Corporación Centro Nacional de Inteligencia Artificial (CENIA).

Barahona, C., Nussbaum, M., Martin, V., Meneses, A., Arriagada, S., Di Serio, A., & Hilliger, I. (2023). Technology-scaffolded peer assessment for developing critical thinking in pre-service teacher training: the importance of giving feedback. Educational technology research and development71(2), 667-688. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-022-10173-1

Correa Casanova, M. (2023). “Difícil integridad”. En Gallego, D., Correa Casanova, M., Montoya, J. y Ayala, P. (coords.), Superar la corrupción. Horizontes éticos y educativos para América Latina. Bogotá: Uniandes, TEC y Ediciones UC.

Gallego, D., Correa Casanova, M., Montoya, J. y Ayala, P. (coords.) (2023). Superar la corrupción. Horizontes éticos y educativos para América Latina. Bogotá: Uniandes, TEC y Ediciones UC. Capítulo: “Difícil integridad”, pp. 115-134.

Guajardo, C. (2023) “Exploitation: profit versus prices”, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 42(2): 225-249.

Guajardo, C. (2023) “Universal Basic Income: When (if at all) is there parasitic exploitation?”, Veritas, 24 (abril): 9-30.

Larraín, J. Should we believe in cells, or just remain agnostic about them? A critical analysis through Bas van Fraassen’s lenses. Principia (under review).

Luengo-Kanacri, B., Jiménez-Moya, G., Miranda, D., Marinovic, A. (2023). When civic knowledge matters but is not enough: The role of classroom climate and citizenship self-efficacy on different facets of civic engagement. Citizenship Teaching & Learning, Volume 18, Issue 1. Pp. 119 – 140.

Riquelme Peña, P. En prensa, “Constructivismo, contractualismo y teoría política animal. Ideas y valores”, (73), 184. [WoS]

Riquelme Peña, P. (2023). “Rawlsianismo metodológico, teoría crítica y teoría política animal”. Isegoría, (69), e05. https://doi.org/10.3989/isegoria.2023.69.05. [WoS]

Wajnerman-Paz, A. (2023). Identifying Relational Applications of Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-23.